LNA – Lifeboat Navigation Assistant

Navigation assistant for lifeboats

Scanmatic Lifeboat Navigation Assistant (LNA) is an important aid for the lifeboat pilot during an evacuation. It provides navigation information the moment a free fall or conventional lifeboat hits the water.

Traditionally, navigation systems in lifeboats does not provide trustworthy guidance away from the installation after an evacuation. The LNA brings user friendly visual information to the life boat pilot and helps him/her to choose a safe direction, also in conditions with limited visibility due to smoke, fog, darkness or rough weather.

The LNA system consists of the LNA main unit (SM2851) and the LNA heading display (SM2852). These components are also the core components in the Scanmatic system “LNA with AES” (Automatic Escape System) which in addition includes an electro-hydraulic servo system, providing easier steering and AES (autopilot) functionality, and an AIS system (Automatic Identification System) for increased situational awareness and collision avoidance after the evacuation.

The LNA’s “black box functionality” logs 6 DOF angular rate (gyro) and accelerations at 100 Hz for 1 hour from the launch time. The log file can be downloaded to a PC for analysis.

  • Robust – made for robust use and the environment associated with free fall lifeboats
  • Low maintenance
  • Self diagnostics
  • 20 seconds start up initialization
  • Continuous logging of sensor data for 1 hour
  • Option of automatic escape functionality
  • More than 10 year expected lifetime