Scanmatic has in many years delivered hydrology stations to end users in Norway and abroad, including the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and many power companies in Norway. The stations meet the relevant requirements from WMO and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
The stations consist of a data acquisition unit (DAU) e.g. an IED or a datalogger and several sensors. The station is powered from mains supply or from solar panels and it also includes a backup battery.
The stations communicate with a data acquisition system (DAS) over different communication medias e.g. mobile network, radio and satellite.
Typical measurements for a hydrology station are:
• Air pressure
• Air temperature
• Air humidity
• Wind speed
• Wind direction
• Wind gust
• Precipitation
• Snow depth
• Solar radiation
Scanmatic also delivers integrated station where several parameters are measured by a single integrated sensor unit. Such a station may not meet all requirements from WMO and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
The sensors are equipped with heating elements, if mains supply is available for the station, to prevent accumulation of ice and snow.